''What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!”

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What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!”Matthew 8:27

Jesus and His disciples were traveling in the boat on Lake Galilee when a storm hits the boat. The above statement was a conversation between Jesus's disciples.

The disciples of Jesus followed Him wherever He went . They have been witnesses to healings , deliverances and many miracles performed by Jesus . Despite all of it ,when they were caught in a storm they trembled . Jesus spoke to the wind and the waves and the storm, it became still ! His question to them was ‘ You of little faith , why are you afraid' ? 

Are we not afraid when we are caught in the storms of life . Or are we not tossed around by winds, not knowing what to do? Have we not received breakthroughs ? Were not our prayers answered in the past ? Why do we still doubt then? 

Sometimes our children also go through challenges and tough times ! Have we ever wondered how they cope up with the issues they face ? 

If I would say -on bended knees and prayers , would you agree with me ? Or would you say I am outdated and kidding ?

The testimony below is how we as a family overcame a challenge in our son's school situation . 

We moved countries 2 1/2 years back. Our son had to go to a new school where he had new classmates, new teachers and a new curriculum to follow. Kids were from all around the world , almost every nationality was represented there . He had few small challenges that he faced but soon settled in . Just as he was settled in, he had to move out of the feeder school to a much larger campus. 

Moving into secondary ,not much of pastoral support and a being a little quiet person he soon felt like a fish out of water . We could see that he was going through a rough patch figuring things and to top it there were some kids constantly teasing and troubling him. 

As I was getting anxious and worried, my husband reminded me to take a step back and allow our son to manage his way through, as it would help him in fighting his battles and teach him things before he faces the real world. As a mother I was hurt to see my son not very happy and not looking forward to go to school . 

Time went by and the problems at school for my son seemed to be increasing . With the new year that started in September I prayed and hoped that things would be different . However on the first day of the new term he came back and it was the same old story he had to tell . 

A friend advised that we should take this up with the school, as kids do get negatively impacted especially as they approach adolescence. At times we need to take action along with prayer. 

So we decided to send in a mail to the tutor and take this up with the school authorities . The mail was sent on a Tuesday with not much details but seeking appointment to discuss something important .

On Wednesday my son gets home excited . When I enquired , he mentioned that the boy who was troubling him the most, walked up to him in the middle of a class , with tears flowing down his cheeks saying "I am sorry for having bullied you all this time". My son was taken aback and did not know how to react as the entire class was watching this. 

Our meeting with the tutor was only the next day and God was setting things right for us . When we met the tutors and appraised them of the situation, they taken aback and were amazed at the change in heart displayed by the boy with out any intervention . Since this boy had himself acknowledged his faults they agreed to set on a path of restoration which is in the process of working out very well. Now they are slowly becoming friends.

All this seems so surreal . But God works in mysterious ways . He worked on this boy's heart even before we met the tutor and this helped in everything to go well. Now my son is much happier and in a much better environment . 

It took a year , but during this time our son got to learn how to be resilient , patient and the biggest lesson of all was to have faith in God ! He alone is able and the ONLY answer to our every need . 



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