There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus- Romans 8

Image result for There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus- Romans 8:1

Have you felt that your sins are too many to be forgiven ? Are your sins from the past hounding you ? Then let me introduce you to the verse which says - ‘there is therefore now no condemnation if you are in Christ’ . This means what ever be the nature of your sins , Christ will forgive you . Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow- Isaiah 1:18

In the Bible we see the passage where a multitude of people were waiting to stone an adulteress. Jesus did not preach a long sermon to her and remind her of her sins and all that she had done . He saw her heart which was in anguish and shame and tells her that her sins are forgiven and that she should sin no more [ John 8 ]

Likewise the Samaritan woman at the well had a life changing experience [John 4]. Jesus being God knew her past and the life she had led but He forgave her and spoke goodness into her life . She went back home feeling blessed and overcame every guilt and sin from her past. She testified to her neighbours and friends and was instrumental in evangelising a whole town. She can be called the “ first woman  evangelist “. When she met our saviour she walked free from her past to new beginnings! 

However being a Christian does not give us the license to sin but demands that we be more like Jesus each day. 

Though I knew very well that I am forgiven of all the sins I had committed in my life , the enemy constantly reminded me of my sins. This became a stumbling block in my spiritual walk . 

One night while sleeping I had a dream of God walking with me in a beautiful garden . He told me that He loves me and He holds none of my sins against me . I woke up and sensed such peace and calmness. I was wondering about the dream when a dear friend of mine who was traveling and in Sweden messaged me . She was checking on me and she mentioned that she has a dream of me having a close walk with God . This was just a confirmation to the dream i had. I could sense a feel of total freedom.

Isn't our God amazing ! 

While dying on the cross Jesus forgave and He still forgives and nothing can separate us from the Love which we have in Christ Jesus !


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