You are unique you are perfect you are His masterpiece ♥️
My mom had a tough pregnancy and had almost nearly lost me . Many were covering us in prayer during that time. The nuns in the convent, I have been told were offering prayers for us ,when mom went into labour .My parents not only prayed for a healthy and normal child but also pleaded with God for a girl child as the older two were boys. And then I arrived,frail,feeble,shivering,a tiny baby girl. An answer to their prayers. The nuns in the convent wished to be the ones to give me a name and they decided to name me - Mini !! Not knowing that the tiny child would grow up to be so very tall that people would call her 'maxi' ! Being tall,in my school days caused me so much of embarrassment. People used to look at me as if I came from some other planet. In the northeast of India where I grew up and did my schooling and college most of them typically have an average height which was 5:5 and I exceeded that by 4 inches . It really no...