Who moved my cheese - oops milk powder 🤣🤣🤣

How Long Does Powdered Milk Really Last?
As kids we all must have done some weird stuff . And if you have a sibling with whom you are always competing then the chances of doing weird things are higher. Like fighting to lick the remains of the cake batter from the mixing bowl, to be the first to wipe out residues of fresh whipped butter from the mixie jar or saving up your part of the treat and wait for everyone to finish so that you can have yours when everyone else is watching. Yup that’s me for you as a teenager 😁

However my biggest weakness was eating stolen "milk powder" [Anikspray].I disliked fresh milk but loved to eat spoon full of milk powder. Since that was not formally acceptable at home I would take it on the sly and eat it . As a result our help at home would come in the line of fire as the milk powder would disappear before you knew it . When an enquiry was done, no one owned up and I too pledged my innocence. 

One fine day our help replaced the milk powder with white flour and me not suspecting anything , took couple of heap filled spoons and put it in my mouth . I almost choked with all of the flour in my mouth. Finally the cat was out of the bag and the mystery solved . I think our help must have felt nothing less than a Julian or George from “ Famous Five” in cracking the mystery !! 

So I stood exposed and after that incident if anything went missing or something could not be found the first person to be in the witness box was none else than me. And at times even if I was telling the truth, I was deprived of any pity or empathy 😇

Truth is something that we always like to tweak a bit to fit into our situation. There is nothing like a half truth or 3/4th truth . Truth is 💯 % truth . Nothing less nothing more. It's something that we should all speak and it should be taught to kids early in life . Truth is the very foundation in every relationship and on the basis of truth trust is built . It is so difficult to build but easy to distort or destroy. 

Truth is one of the most important armour that Apostle Paul speaks in the Book of Ephesians that every person should be wearing . Truth he says is like a belt that encompasses or cleaves on us . We should speak truth and know the truth. Truth sets us free . Truth opens our eyes in knowing Christ who is the only WAY , the TRUTH & the LIFE ! Reading the Gospels will bring you to speed in knowing the truth.All the chapters are key . 

So now you have the key, don't lose it-use it . It will unlock great treasures and wealth that money can't buy . 


  1. Oh that was a funny yet insightful read ... Thank you ... God bless you more to write many more such thought provoking blogs

  2. Only the truth sets one free. Great read!


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