Pay back time !!!

Have you had the opportunity to get back to someone who has treated you very poorly ?

Well we recently had one golden opportunity πŸ˜€πŸ˜¬

If you have been following my blogs , you would have come across a blog [ ] of how my son experienced bullying in school and later how things eased out for him. 

Now listen to this ...few schools have returned to face to face classes.The kids in my son's class were each assigned with the name of a friend so as to be their “secret Santa” . And guess what ? My son got the privilege to be the secret Santa of one of the boys who bullied him the most.

So when we got to know that it's 'HIM' we said in unison -“it's payback time", 

That definitely was a passing causal comment ! Whilst said in jest it was perhaps the best natural reaction to pay back in the same currency that we had received as we humans are so wired to respond in the same fashion. 

The easiest option available at hand was, for us to palm off a shoddy gift as the kid would not have even got to know the person behind the gift . But we consciously decided to do something different . We went through the list of things that our son would like to have received as a gift  and we arrived at something nice .Though the gift was not top notch , it was fairly good .

When we do good for others, people may not be kind enough to acknowledge it , leave alone do good in return . It can be hurtful and painful when people let you down. Someone once told me that we should do good for people and expect nothing in return. As when we expect in return it’s so not being Christ like - hence the very essence of selflessness is defeated. 

The most easiest thing is to repay back evil for evil .But the Bible encourages us to treat others the way we wish to be treated. The beauty of God's word is so unique and the soft voice whispering into our hearts and mind encourages us to do what’s right. We need to actively listen and consciously heed to this voice again and again. The more we trust in HIM and listen to HIM we  change, are renewed and have transformed lives.

Remember what Christ taught us in Matthew 5: 43-45

““You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get?

Let's love one another as Christ loved us  πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’œ


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