What gives you a high when you are in your low moments ??
What gives you a high ...when you are low...hmmm , it's a good question !! Some would say,binging,impromptu shopping ,indulging in chocolate or ice creams , smoking , boozing and getting high on it , sleeping it out , not talking to anyone, locking yourself in or yelling back at someone ..and the list can go on and on ? What ever be the escape route or escape mechanism, those are just temporary ways and means. Because when you are met with the same challenges agan,then you will be back to square one all over again . These escapades either impacts our health,our nervous system, in gaining unnecessary weight or in ending up depleting our finances .
What do I do when I feel low ??? You are asking me ?? Hmmm 🤔 I would either dig into junk food and take in those extra unwanted calories or else would end up in some impromptu shopping ! Well that’s now something more or less of the past!
There are seasons in every Christian’s life when we feel surrounded and locked in with our problems,so crushed that we cannot even raise a 'Hallelujah'! So what do we do then ? My secret bestest option is listening to worship songs ! It just stirs up my soul. Many probably would agree with me on this ! Some songs have been sung or written by such anointed people that the songs bring healing to our hearts . It's like a soothing balm on our soul and it raises up our spirits to the maximum notch !
Recently pondering over something and unable to pray , I put on some worship songs ! The Song - “ Way Maker” with its lyrics that went Way Maker , Miracle worker , Promise Keeper , Light in the darkness started to minister to me . The lines - “ even when I don’t see it you are working", can actually renew our mind and thinking. This then helps not to lean on our understanding but trust on Him fully Proverbs 3:5
Christianity is not only of people who have attained rags to riches stories or about miracles and healings .It's also about being joyous in pain , being thankful even in the little , being hopeful even when the situations are tough . It's all about knowing that we serve a BIG GOD and not dwell on the problems that look like Goliath. But look at the problem in the face and speak like David did to Goliath - “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. I Samuel 17:45-46
FOLKS —- “We are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.” I Peter 2:9-10
So the good news is for the far and near . For the black , white , yellow, brown, for everyone person under the sun and even if you are tanned 😄
So step out from darkness into HIS marvellous light ! His light will illuminate you from the inside and you will radiate outside !
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