What’s your secret recipe ?

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In my school days my best friend was my inspiration when it came to cooking . She was so passionate about it and used to fend for the family when her mom was away from home. I took a passion to cooking because of her. Most of my cooking I learnt from my friend and my mom . They were always willing to teach me and share their most prized recipes . 

However I know of certain people who would keep recipes close to their chest. As much as I would want to probe and question they would not be forthcoming . Or probably would share part of it and hold back some major ingredients and try as much the outcome would be way different . 

Once we received a very yummy Christmas cake baked by a friend's mom. One of the best I ever had . I so really wanted the recipe . The person really did not want to share it with us by saying that it’s an age old traditional family recipe . Finally he shared it with us and asked us not to share the recipe with any other person . Though I made that recipe many times it was not a patch to the original . 

I also started to hold on to certain recipes,specially to those people who were hesitant to part with theirs [ mean me ] .

Similarly I thought - how would it be for those of us who know Christ, keep salvation and Christ a secret ?

Do we want to keep Christ to ourselves ? Or in receiving His grace shout out His name from mountain tops and from the rooftops and proclaim that He is Lord Saviour and King ?

What a shame it would be if we kept Christ to ourselves and deprived others the joy , peace and comfort we receive when we receive Christ in our lives . He is our comfort , He is our strength , He is our healer, He is our deliverer . His mercy and grace know no bounds . 

The sacrifice made by Jesus at the cross was for one and for all . It shows how much God loves us by giving us His only Son so that in Him we might have life and have eternal life too. Jesus is the only way, the truth and the Life. He is the only one who can forgive us our sins no matter how deep we are in sin. 

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 . We can truly be NEW when we receive Christ. 

For those who already know Christ you know what I am talking about . Lets not keep that secret to ourselves 

Secret recipes of 

Unconditional love = Christ
Grace = Christ 
Forgiveness = Christ 
Salvation = Christ 

You may have the whole world , but if you don't know Christ , its really meaningless 

Like the Psalmist says in Psalms 84

A single day in your courts 
Is better than thousand anywhere else 


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