Every season is with a reason

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Soon after I got married my husband got a posting to Delhi and we were in Delhi for about fifteen odd years. I really disliked the extreme climate conditions Delhi had so much so that when summer came with the scorching heat I used to look forward  to winters and when winter's used to come with the biting cold I used to wait and long for summers 😅. 

So also in our lives , most of us do not live in the now . We either dwell in the past or worry about the future and hence miss out on enjoying the present . Tomorrow will have it’s own share of worries (Matthew 6:34) ! So why do we worry about tomorrow and miss the now?

If you are going through a difficult season in your lives , our God is more than able to bring you through it. Just as He has done great things in the past He is able to do the same today as well. Stand on His word and His promises . He alone is mighty to save ( Zephaniah 3:17) and He is the one who trains our hands for battle ( Psalm 144:1). 

We have the ability to lead a victorious life in Him . No matter if you are in a valley like situation or a mountain top experience , God is the only answer to every situation . Remember that God allows different seasons in our life for a reason . 

Joseph had so much of hardships and trials . He did not give in or give up . He trusted God to bring him through every trials . And God never forgot about him. In the right time God elevated him to a position for all to see . Your season filled with His goodness is coming soon . After the night comes the morning and after the storm comes the sunshine and after every winter comes spring time where we see fruitfulness and a myriad of colours . 


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