Seasons of refreshing comes knocking

Two weeks back we went for a small staycation. It was so surreal an experience . Never valued an outing like that before . After being locked in for 8 months ( apart from short grocery runs, short visits to our favourite restaurants... etc ) this was the first in 8 months where we experienced nature and the freedom of moving out like never before.

Have we not been on a holiday earlier ? We have ! But this holiday was truly something we valued so much, to be liberated from being behind closed doors and to just have the ability to experience the world again but in a new and meaningful way 

In our morning walks recently we experienced a switch in the weather . From the hot and humid weather to the pleasant weather( we stay in the Middle East ) . I was thinking to myself - wish we have such weather 365 days of the year - this place would have been heaven . 

But then I thought to myself - well in that case I would not have valued and appreciated this season of good weather if there was no summer . Most of us are wired in a way that we take things so much for granted .

Just wanted the urgency and urge to remind each one of us that - 

“Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.”

Psalms 126:5-6 NIV

There are times and seasons in our life where we experience tears, sorrow, trials , roadblocks and tribulations but just as there are different seasons, we need to be expectant and know that change definitely comes .  

Those who work and toil in the fields , there is a long long long process from sowing to harvest. Has the season between sowing and harvest been easy ? No definitely not . But the sower knows that the hard work and resilience would bring in a harvest .

So the focus shifts from the toiling , the waiting , from the trials and hardship to the joy that the harvest brings. That's rewarding . 

For those waiting for breakthroughs 

Key is 

  • To wait - upon the Lord [ Isaiah 40:31]
  • Not to not give up - but trust in Him always [ Proverbs 3:5]
  • To persevere- as perseverance produces character [ Romans 5:4]
  • To have faith- as faith is the belief of things unseen [ Hebrews 11:1]

Are we steadfast in our walk with God ! Are we looking at shortcuts when things go wrong ? Are we willing to persevere in times of trials ? 

“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”

‭‭James‬ ‭1:12‬ ‭NIV‬‬


  1. Oh yes. We sure are blessed. The while earth is, actually. When we think of the very many miracles that happen around us everyday that we know nothing about.
    If we could see them unfold. What gratitude in our hearts...

    1. An attitude of gratitude is all that we need to have


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