Your scars can be your strengths πŸ’«πŸ’«πŸ’«

Step-by-step guide for a foot bath for cracked feet ...

I so vividly remember a misadventure at the age of 10.While playing our neighbour's son got up for something and before I knew it he caused the bench to fall on my toes. The entire nail from my big toe came off. The pain was unbearable and the feet looked really ugly. I already had a jumbo size feet and now with the ugly toe it started to stick out like a sore thumb. 

As I grew up and saw girls with beautiful pedicured feet,mine was an embarrassment of sorts. On a lift or when people used to look down I used to hide my feet to save me from feeling embarrassed. But the irony was that each time I felt miserable cause of a silly reason as my ugly toe, I would come face to face with a physically challenged person who was so happy and chirpy. This was such a blow to my attitude and the fact of having no gratitude would glare at me straight on my face.

Same goes with the scars of our lives . Our pain , our hurts , our past, our turmoils that happens because of our own mistakes or because of someone else bringing it into our lives [ like the bench falling ], may be embarrassing to talk about , shameful to bring it up or painful to deal with. We want to hide them,cover them,  push it under the carpet, don’t want to deal with it or speak about it . We only want to visit it in our quiet times and feel miserable and overwhelmed. 

But WHAT if we turned our pain to purpose , our shame to strengths [ learning from mistakes ] , hurts to healing , strife to sanity , scars to scarlet , turmoils to triumphs, embarrassments to embellishments and secrets to success stories ? 

Our God says -Is there anything too hard for me ? Jeremiah 32:7. He has you in the very palm of His hands -Isaiah 49:16 . You are the apple of His eye -Zechariah 2:8 . The very hairs of your head are numbered - Luke 12:7 ; He knitted you together in your mother's womb - Psalm 139-13. 

He is the potter and we are the clay-Isaiah 64-8 . If you are crushed and broken give yourself back to Him and He will refashion you. He will mend every broken pieces and mend it back beautifully into an unique piece . But what's that one step that you need to take . Come back and give yourself into the MASTER’s hands ….only then its POSSIBLE !! After all He is the POTTER and we are just the clay ! Submit & surrender to the Almighty's will !

Turn your trials to Testimonies ! Be a testimony ! Don’t run away from things that torment you , face it head-on ! And when you have received your victory share it with someone who is battling similar situations , so that it does not remain as a secret but a sure shot recipe to success . 


  1. Yes!!!!! Like making lemonade out of the lemons that life throws at us.
    Reminds me of this beautiful story of a lady who always had gunk thrown over her fence right into her yard by her hateful neighbours.
    And she decided she'd grow roses in the gunk.
    Her rose garden grew so lush she even gifted the same neighbours with some of it now and then, it totally killed them inside what they did to her.
    Eventually, they were sorry, and she forgave them.
    And Jesus was glorified.

    Lord teach me the more to turn my hurts right over to you and have your healing, and look to you for completeness.
    Thank you Jesus πŸ™

    1. a beautiful illustration and story . thank you so much for sharing

  2. It's beautiful miniπŸ˜ŠπŸ‘Œ


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